Past Literature Course Offerings

Past Literature Course Offerings

Spring 2020

SPAN 571 – Latina/o Studies: Foundations in the Field and Its Teaching

Instructor: Judith Sierra-Rivera
Course Description: 
A foundation in the field and strategies for teaching Latina/o Studies to undergraduates. This course provides a foundation in U.S. Latina/o Studies Literature and its contexts, with two separate but related goals. The first is to get a grasp on the U.S. Latina/o Studies canon that integrates humanities and social science approaches in order to analyze critical historical contexts that have shaped the emergence and evolution of the field of Latina/o Studies in U.S. higher education and academia, such as early colonial enterprises in the South and the Southwest, Spanish and U.S. imperialism, the Chicano and Young Lords movements during the 1960s, immigration patterns from the Caribbean and Latin America, government policies towards Latinos, contemporary rural and urban movements, etc. The second goal is to explore systematically pedagogical theories and practices in Latina/o Studies and critical race scholarship more broadly, in order for students to become conversant in the theoretical debates that underlie the design of curriculum and classroom practice in Latina/o Studies at the undergraduate level. The course will incorporate some of the major lines of research in Latina/o Studies from different disciplines (such as History, Anthropology, Ethnic Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Linguistics) in order to address some of their most relevant discussions, internal critical debates, and major schools of thought. Students will also engage with other forms of cultural production, including visual culture, theater and performance, and music, among others. The seminar will provide graduate students a solid foundation in the development of a very timely and marketable research and teaching minor.

SPAN 597 – Amazonia: Culture and Extractivism

Instructor: Sarah J. Townsend
Course Description: Over the past few months the Amazon has become a focus of international outcry as news outlets and social media circulate images of a forest in flames. But while widespread anxiety about the future of the planet lends a particular urgency to the current crisis, it is only the latest stage of a much longer and complex history that belies the common image of the Amazon as a primeval place outside history. Indeed, for several centuries (if not longer) the Amazon has been a target for exploration and exploitation by outsiders, and ever since the rubber boom of the late nineteenth century it has been closely integrated into the international economy. This course will focus on the Amazon as a site of international capital investment and cultural exchange through film, photography, literature, music, and historical accounts. Framing our discussions will be recent theoretical work on extractivism, or the social, economic, and cultural relations that take shape around the extraction of natural resources. Particular topics to be examined include the epic expeditions in search of Eldorado, the lost city of gold, and the environmental degradation caused by more recent waves of illegal gold mining; the rubber boom of 1870-1912 and what the political geographer Susanna Hecht (invoking parallels with Africa) refers to as the “Scramble for the Amazon”; the aesthetic excess of opera in the Amazon; “failed” projects such as Henry Ford’s utopic settlement of Fordlândia; the recent wave of “neo-extractivism” led by left-leaning states; Amazonian cities such as Manaus and Belém and urban music genres such as tecno-brega; indigenous political movements surrounding hydroelectric projects and oil drilling; and anthropological efforts to reconceptualize the relationship between humans and nature by drawing on indigenous perspectives and systems of thought.

The class will be conducted in English, and while students from SIP will be expected to read certain texts in Spanish or Portuguese, translations are available for almost all materials. In the case of one novel for which there is no translation, those who are unable to read Spanish will read a related text in English and we will share our observations in class.

SPAN 597 -La lírica culta en la España de los Austrias

Instructor: Mary Barnard
Course Description: 
This course deals with early modern lyric poetry that belongs to high culture–urban, “docta,” and aristocratic–a “new poetry” that is the product of new social, political and aesthetic ideals aligned with the court, empire, and modernity. We will explore the construction of texts as products of cross-cultural encounters with the ancients and the Italians, as well as a culture of consumption.Topics and issues covered: space, tombs and the poetics of death, aristocratic mysticism, literary academies, intellectual and political clashes between Muslim East and Christian West, the city as text.

Fall 2019

SPAN 572 – Translation in the Americas

Instructor: Krista Brune 
Course Description:
 This course provides a broad exploration of translation in the Americas. In particular, it investigates the politics, practices, and theories of translation in Latin America and the United States from the late nineteenth century to the early twenty-first century, which allows for a comparative mode of reading across and between borders of language, nation, and region. The following questions will guide our readings and discussions over the course of the semester: How does translation unfold as a metaphor, a linguistic act, and a cultural experience in the Americas? To what extent do processes of translation inform the exchanges of languages, peoples, and cultures within and between nations in this region? The class examines the role of canonical Latin American writers as translators and scholars in order to underscore the centrality of translation to the production, circulation, and reception of Latin American literature. The course analyzes the contributions of Latin American writers, including José Martí, Brazilian modernists, Jorge Luis Borges, concrete poets Augusto and Haroldo de Campos, Octavio Paz, and Julio Cortázar, to discussions of translation by reading their works on translation as theory and practice alongside key essays in translation studies by, among others, Walter Benjamin, Jacques Derrida, Gayatri Spivak, Lawrence Venuti, and Emily Apter. It also considers the importance of translators like Gregory Rabassa, Suzanne Jill Levine, and Elizabeth Bishop in disseminating Latin American literature within the United States. Building on these insights, students will consider the recent phenomenon of Latin American literature in translation and re-translation to recognize translation as a linguistic and aesthetic challenge governed by, in part, the political and economic demands of the global, literary market.

SPAN 597 – Interreligious Cultural Exchange and Hermetic Sciences in Medieval Spain.

Instructor: Juan Udaondo Alegre
Course Description:
 In the Middle Ages, the Iberian Peninsula was a crossroads of cultural and religious traditions where Muslims, Christians, and Jews interacted, disputed, and prospered together for centuries. Talking about the cultural achievements of that period, María Rosa Menocal affirmed in The Ornament of the World that: “Books, like buildings, like works of art, like songs and sometimes even like the languages of prayers, often tell stories about the complexities of tolerance and cultural identity, complexities that ideological purists deny, both as an immediate reality and as a future possibility.” In this seminar we will unravel part of those complexities by exploring the circumstances in which books of the kind described by Menocal were brought to Iberia from the other side of the Mediterranean, exchanged, translated, and finally recreated in different languages. We will approach the motifs and productions of both independent sages and those who worked under the patronage of powerful leaders such as the Umayyad Caliphs of al-Andalus or King Alfonso “the Wise” of Castile. Through a variety of readings, we will ascertain that one of the main goals of those translators and thinkers was to recover the so called Hermetic sciences: Magic, Astrology, and Alchemy, attributed from ancient times to Hermes Trismegistus. We will discuss how the search for Hermes’s legacy fostered both the translation movement and a culture of tolerance, in which erudite seekers were able to forget mutual prejudices and question their own identities to pursue secret knowledge. We will also explain how the cultural exchange which took place in the kingdoms and territories which are now Spain generated curiosity across their borders,  deeply influencing the culture of Europe in the Late Middle Ages and beyond. This course will be conducted in English.

SPAN 597 – Spanish Romanticism: Theory, Philosophy, Aesthetics

Instructor: Nicolás Fernández-Medina
Course Description: This course will examine a range of issues in Spanish Romantic Studies, including the concept of self and individuality, the idealization of the feminine, the celebration of nature and the natural supernatural, and the metaphysics of beauty and the sublime.

Spring 2019

SPAN 597 – Caribbean Imaginations of Sovereignty, Community, and Vulnerability

Instructor: Judith Sierra-Rivera 
Course Schedule: A geography inscribed by a history of (neo)colonialism, the Caribbean Antilles have produced stories and theories that talk about sovereignty. “Sovereignty,” a concept that takes us beyond and through struggles for independence, acquires different names across the Hispanic, Anglo, French, and Dutch Caribbean. In all of its different versions, sovereignty seems to be attached to two other concepts: “community” and “vulnerability.” In this seminar, we will study how the combination of these three words reveals a particular set of political imaginations that propose a way of living not only for the Caribbean archipelago but also for a world in which life (bios) appears to be in a permanent vulnerable/dependent state. Some of the questions that will initiate our discussions include: What are the meanings that Caribbean (neo)colonial history has attached to “being sovereign”? How do Caribbean stories and theories propose and interpret the relationship between sovereignty, community, and vulnerability? Which of them have acquired notoriety in other literary/philosophical traditions? How are they consumed and used in dialogue with other geographies? Among others, we will engage with writings by Toussaint Louverture, Simón Bolívar, José Martí, Luisa Capetillo, Marcus Garvey, Aimé Césaire, Frantz Fanon, Frank Martinus Arion, Derek Walcott, and Édouard Glissant. Most of the texts have been translated into English, but a reading level of Spanish and French is recommended for this seminar.

SPAN 597 – History, Time, and the Contemporary Latin American Stage

Instructor: Sarah J. Townsend
Course Description: This course will focus primarily on Latin American theater and performance from the past two decades while also taking specific plays and performances as an entry point for examining longer patterns and practices. Throughout the semester, we will reflect on the following questions: What exactly is the “contemporary”? When does it begin and end? What is its relationship to the past and future? Many theories of performance emphasize its “liveness”—the fact that it takes place in a specific here and now (or there and then)? But if this is so, how does theater represent history, and why does the stage seem to be such a haunted place? What happens when other media (such as film projections or digital media) are integrated into live performance? Could it be that the theater is a particularly apt space for understanding how multiple temporalities can coexist and act upon one another? We will special attention to the insights Latin American theater and performance can offer into these issues, given the fact that the region (and its theater) has historically been imagined as underdeveloped or “backward” in relation to other parts of the world such as the United States and Europe. 

Playwrights and theater groups we will likely study include Mariano Pensotti (Argentina); Lola Arias (Argentina); Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol (Mexico); Teatro de Ciertos Habitantes (Mexico); Mapa Teatro (Colombia); Ói Nóis Aqui Traveiz (Brazil); and Teatro Oficina (Brazil). Theorists and critics include Rebecca Schneider, Diana Taylor, Peggy Phelan, Richard Schechner, Fred Moten, and Nicholas Ridout.

SPAN 597 – The imperial Lyric in Habsburg Spain

Instructor: Mary Barnard 
Course Schedule: Antonio de Nebrija remarked famously in his Gramática de la lengua castellana (1492) that “language has always been the companion of empire.” This course deals with poetry that is indeed the fitting companion of empire, informed as it is by the profound political and cultural transformations that began in large part with the imperial agendas of Habsburg emperor Charles V. It will explore how the construction of texts and new personal and political identities was highly conditioned by the crossing of boundaries:  the crossings into Italy (with its abundance of literary, artistic, and scientific production), trans-Mediterranean crossings to North Africa, and transatlantic crossings into the New World. Of particular importance is how the poetics of empire coexists with a poetics of love and solitude. A study of the nature of the new subject; the relation of rhetoric and modernity; memory and exile; the dynamics of vision; classical mythology; and Petrarchism will be particularly useful in the deciphering of the imperial lyric. Works of arts–paintings, portraits, heraldic and commemorative tapestries, and sculptures–will figure prominently in the exploration of the celebration and critique of the politics and ideology of empire.

Fall 2018

SPAN 566 – Contemporary Spanish Poetry

Course Description: This seminar will explore a rich harvest of movements and figures in Spanish poetry of the early twentieth century through the contemporary moment, with the twin goals of privileging the close reading of a significant number of primary works and deepening students’ understanding of the cultural, aesthetic, and social contexts in which these were produced. Beginning with a review of the vibrant panorama of “-ismos” at play in much early twentieth-century verse (and highlighting how these are in conversation with and against poetic/artistic tradition), the course will swiftly move toward a consideration of Peninsular poetry under fascism and dictatorship, its uses as a vehicle of social protest, its diverse inflections in a climate of postmodernism and democratic renewal, and its more recent evolution amidst the disquieting forces of neoliberalism, globalization, technophilia, and political/economic unrest.

SPAN 597 – Los desafíos de la libertad y el liberalismo: Autoridad, política, y poder

Course Description: Este curso tiene tres vertientes: la literaria, la histórica, y la filosófica. A través de lecturas pormenorizadas en estos campos vía ensayos, poemas, tratados filosóficos, novelas, y obras teatrales, este seminario tiene como objetivo examinar el concepto de “libertad” y “liberalismo” en figuras como Aristóteles, Platón, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Jovellanos, Quintana, Larra, Espronceda, Bécquer, Rosalía de Castro, Coronado, Galdós, Krause, Marx, Bakunin, Nietzsche, Ortega y Gasset, y Gómez de la Serna.

Spring 2018

SPAN 597 – A Poetry of Things: Material Culture in the Spain of the Austrias

Course Description: With the rise of Spain in the sixteenth century as a trans-European and global power, social, political, and aesthetic ideals were aligned with the court, empire and modernity. This course will focus on how major poets of Habsburg Spain use artifacts as material sites of discourse to explore connections to antiquity, cultural memory, political and social events, space, self-representation, and status. Artifacts range from large decorative objects, like tapestries, paintings, and frescoes, to trinkets and accessories in “cabinets of curiosities.” The course will examine diverse topics such as the city as text, specifically how a “pilgrim”  and learned humanist from Spain reads a Rome of ruins and museum artifacts; how objects like tapestries and paintings are used to explore questions of patronage, social networking, and gift-giving as well as to celebrate imperial politics and ideology; how  mirrors and portrait miniatures are used for examining questions of introspection and self-reflexivity of an incipient modern self; and how inscriptions on tombs and urns explore the interplay between orality and writing, voice and memory. Since the topic is part of a larger European phenomenon, the course will include Spain’s cross-cultural relations with Italy, a major source of cultural objects. Time will be devoted to early modern collectionism as a backdrop to textual and artistic production.

SPAN 597 – Latin American Modernisms and (Old) New Media

Course Description: In recent years the rise of digital technologies has led critics to reconsider the category of “literature” and look back at the ways in which it has changed throughout history in response to the advent of new media. In this course we will take up this question in the context of Latin America, beginning in the late nineteenth century and continuing into the present. Among the questions we will ask: How might shifting the focus to regions often regarded as “backward” and “behind” help challenge the rhetoric of rupture and historical amnesia that often accompanies the introduction of “new” media? Given the (in some places) high rates of illiteracy, has literature in Latin America responded differently to the challenges posed by new media? How has the “embodied” art of theater responded to changes in the mediascape, including the invention of the phonograph, film, radio, and digital media? Each week we will read key works of media theory and criticism alongside literary and artistic works by a wide array of Latin American writers. The course will cover a number of works on the MA list for students in SIP, including modernista poetry and other types of texts by José Martí, Miguel Ángel Asturias’s El señor presidente, Roberto Arlt’s play Saverio el cruel, Gabriel García Márquez’s Cien años de soledad, and stories by Jorge Luis Borges; it will also include a few texts in Portuguese by writers such as the Brazilian concrete poets, which we will consider in relation to the rise of cybernetics. For those with no background in Portuguese, these texts will either be available in translation, or (as in the case of concrete poetry) will be simple for readers of Spanish to decipher.

SPAN 597 – Voices of the Povo/Pueblo

Course Description: This course examines the relationship between public intellectuals and the “people” by analyzing various voices of the povo and the pueblo in Latin American literature, visual art, music, and film since the early twentieth century. The class conceives of public intellectual in a broad sense to include, among others, essayists Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Fernando Ortiz, and Carlos Monsiváis, musicians Chico Buarque and Violeta Parra, filmmakers Glauber Rocha and Octavio Getino, and painters Tarsila Amaral and Wifredo Lam. By reading works by Brazilian and Spanish American artists and intellectuals together, we will explore the intersections of the intellectual, the popular, the national, and the political in modern and contemporary Latin America. Theoretical and critical texts on the role of public intellectuals, the concept of the national-popular, the testimonial, and the voice will complement our study of literary and artistic works.

Fall 2017

SPAN 597 – Spanish Cinema Studies: Current Methods and Theoretical Approaches

Course Description: In recent years the rise of digital technologies has led critics to reconsider the category of “literature” and look back at the ways in which it has changed throughout history in response to the advent of new media. In this course we will take up this question in the context of Latin America, beginning in the late nineteenth century and continuing into the present. Among the questions we will ask: How might shifting the focus to regions often regarded as “backward” and “behind” help challenge the rhetoric of rupture and historical amnesia that often accompanies the introduction of “new” media? Given the (in some places) high rates of illiteracy, has literature in Latin America responded differently to the challenges posed by new media? How has the “embodied” art of theater responded to changes in the mediascape, including the invention of the phonograph, film, radio, and digital media? Each week we will read key works of media theory and criticism alongside literary and artistic works by a wide array of Latin American writers. The course will cover a number of works on the MA list for students in SIP, including modernista poetry and other types of texts by José Martí, Miguel Ángel Asturias’s El señor presidente, Roberto Arlt’s play Saverio el cruel, Gabriel García Márquez’s Cien años de soledad, and stories by Jorge Luis Borges; it will also include a few texts in Portuguese by writers such as the Brazilian concrete poets, which we will consider in relation to the rise of cybernetics. For those with no background in Portuguese, these texts will either be available in translation, or (as in the case of concrete poetry) will be simple for readers of Spanish to decipher.

Spring 2017

SPAN 597 – Culture, Capital, and the Global Jungle

Course Description: The Amazon is sometimes imagined as a primeval place located outside history. Yet for several centuries (if not longer) it has been a site of exploration and exploitation by foreigners, and ever since the rubber boom of the late nineteenth century it has been closely integrated into the international economy. This course will approach the Amazonian regions of Brazil and Spanish America as a site of international capital and cultural exchange by focusing on literature, film, theater, music, and historical accounts. Secondary readings will deal with nature and the production of space, indigeneity, and the changing dynamics of global capital.

This graduate seminar will consider texts on uneven development by Marxist and postcolonial critics alongside work on queer theory, race, and (old) new media studies that also thinks through the issue of anachronism and temporal heterogeneity. Among the critics we will read are Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Heather Love, Silvia Federici, Roberto Schwarz, Lisa Gitelman, and Mladen Dolar.

SPAN 597 – The City as Text: Theorizing Urban Life

Course Description: This course will examine the cultural, commercial, ideological, religious, and sexual dynamics that have defined various urban landscapes in the nineteenth and early twentieth century as seen through art, literature, theory, and philosophy. Special attention will be given to the evolving city of Madrid, a city described throughout this period as cemetery, sordid labyrinth, prison for paranoiacs, creative hub, beacon of freedom, and modern ideal.

SPAN 597/COMP LIT 597 – Translation in the Americas

Course Description: This course departs from the claim of Edwin Gentzler in his 2009 study Translation and Identity in the Americas that, “Translation is not a trope but a permanent condition in the Americas” (5). Does translation, in fact, exist as a permanent condition in this hemisphere? How does translation unfold as a metaphor, a linguistic act, and a cultural experience in the Americas? To what extent do processes of translation inform the exchanges of languages, peoples, and cultures within and between nations in this region? By examining the works of key translation theorists and scholars, as well as translators and writers, the course aims to analyze how translation informs the creative and critical projects of artists and intellectuals in the Americas. The class pairs readings of Latin American writers engaged with translation as a metaphor, theory, and practice, such as the Brazilian modernists, Jorge Luis Borges, Augusto and Haroldo de Campos, and Octavio Paz, with critical texts of translation studies by, among others, Walter Benjamin, Lawrence Venuti, and Emily Apter. To further analyze translation as a linguistic and aesthetic challenge situated within a politics and economics of the literary market, we consider the phenomenon of Clarice Lispector in translation and re-translation. The course ends by studying the recent “boom” of Brazilian and Spanish American literature translated into English that has corresponded with an emergence of more print and online venues for publishing translations.

This class will be taught in English, but readings will be English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Students with knowledge of other languages of the Americas (French, Creole, indigenous languages) are welcome to work with these traditions in their final projects. Class readings and discussion, however, will focus on examples from Latin America and the United States.

Fall 2016

SPAN 597 – The Origins of the Latin American Subject

Course Description: This course looks at canonical texts from the late eighteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century, in order to explore various formations of identity:national, cultural, racial and class. Topics will include post-colonial mimicry,criollo identity, various forms of indigenism, civilization vs. barbarism, regionalism vs. cosmopolitanism, europhilia and cultural independence, the historical origins of caudillismo, and anti-imperialism. Readings will include Concolorcorvo, Lizardi, Bello, Sarmiento, Altamirano, Hernández, Avellaneda, Silva, Martí, Darío, and Rodó, as well as historical documents. Theorists and critical readings will include Anderson, Mariátegui, Cornejo Polar, Sommer, González Echevarría.

Spring 2016

SPAN 597 – Race, Performance, and Possession in the Americas

Course Description: This course will take a hemispheric approach to examining the connections between race, performance, and “possession”—a vexed concept that can refer to everything from property ownership to spirit possession. Over the course of the semester we will explore the multiple meanings of this term and ask what it can tell us about the equally complex notions of “race” and “performance” by studying a diverse array of cultural phenomena from throughout the Americas (theater, performance art, films, literature, historical documents, music, etc.). For example: What sort of logical contortions were required to reconcile the fact that slaves—i.e. pieces of property—could speak, sing, dance, and even write or act? Is there any link between the practice of spirit possession in many indigenous and African-influenced religions and the histories of dispossession experienced by these groups? How might both instances of “possession” place pressure on liberal conceptions of subjectivity, and what can they tell us about the relationship between race and capital? Possible topics include: the exhibition of racially marked bodies and “scenes of subjection” (Sadiya Hartman); examples of racial impersonation such as blackface performance (what Eric Lott refers to as “love and theft”); slaves as objects of conspicuous consumption and the racialization of conspicuous consumption in the present; Haitian vodou, and links between zombies and whiteness in recent popular culture; avant-garde engagements with ritual practices of trance; struggles over copyright and cultural appropriation; and the politics of archives and museum collections.

The course will be conducted in English, and all required materials will be available in English. (Some supplemental materials may be accessible only in Spanish, Portuguese, or French, and students in SIP need to read Spanish texts in the original.)

SPAN 597 – War, Memory, and Displacement in the Americas

Course Description: This seminar will study memory representations of violence and displacement in Latin American and U.S. Latino literatures and other artistic productions. We will begin by reading a diverse body of theory on trauma, memory, mourning, and melancholia, as well as on the relation of these phenomena to the concepts of nation, exile, diaspora, and borderlands. Throughout the rest of our course, we will examine how the specificities of different body politics in the Americas (race, gender, and sexuality) inscribe the work of memory as a work of resistance. Some contexts we will explore through these initial propositions include the U.S.-Mexico borderland (la frontera), the Spanish–American War, U.S. (neo)colonialism in the Caribbean, Latino soldiers in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the Cuban Revolution, dictatorships in the Southern Cone, and the Central American Refugee crisis. Our corpus will include diverse literary genres, such as autobiographies, crónicas urbanas, essays, short stories, and novels, as well as performances, films, works of art, and architecture. In this sense, our examination will also reflect on a variety of aesthetics and media and their particular impressions on memory index. Among others, we will consider works by Eva Antonia Wibur-Cruce, José Martí, José Luis González, Pedro Pietri, Reinaldo Arenas, Rodolfo Walsh, Diamela Eltit, Raúl Zurita, Pedro Lemebel, Josean Ramos, Junot Díaz, and Francisco Goldman.

SPAN 597E – Representing Mythology in Early Modern Spanish Theater

Course Description: The course would go over basic classical mythology; look at its transmission in Early Modern Spain; examine a number of “myth” plays of varying lengths, ie, traditional comedia and shorter works; look at connections among the myths, plays, and cultural-political contexts; and see how some of the myths were protrayed by painters from the period.

Fall 2015

SPAN 597A (now SPAN 561) – The Cinematic Pluriverse of Pedro Almodóvar

SPAN 597B – Decadentism, Eroticism and the Diseased Imagination

Course Description: This course will examine various cultural expressions of the body, sexuality, science, and technology put forward during the modernist period. We will analyze their key social and aesthetic implications and inquire into how they deepen our understanding of the complex, multi-layered relationship between the corporeal and the spiritual, the sensuous and the intelligible, and the self and the other.

Spring 2015

SPAN 596D – Biopolitics in Latin American and Spanish Literature of the late 20th Century

Course Description: This course will examine various cultural expressions of the body, sexuality, science, and technology put forward during the modernist period. We will analyze their key social and aesthetic implications and inquire into how they deepen our understanding of the complex, multi-layered relationship between the corporeal and the spiritual, the sensuous and the intelligible, and the self and the other.

SPAN 597B – Body and Space Politics in Latin American Intellectual Writing

Course Description: In this seminar, we will study some of the most important Latin American and Latina/o intellectual traditions (post 1800s) and will particularly examine their thoughts and theorizations on bodies and geographies in the Americas.

SPAN 597D – Images of the Caribbean in Hispanic Caribbean Literature

Course Description: Students will explore different representations and repetitive discourses pertaining Caribbean culture and politics in Hispanic Caribbean writings from the nineteenth to the twentieth century.

SPAN 597E – A Panorama of Spanish Goldern Age Theater

Course Description: As the title indicates, this class will examine several different subcategories of theater from one of the richest periods of Spanish stage productions.