Financial Aid

Financial Aid

The Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese 

  • The Passaic Family Undergraduate Scholarship in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese endowment is intended to support undergraduate students who are majoring in or planning to major in Spanish and are participating in a study abroad program in Spain.
  • The SIP Study Abroad Travel Award supports financial assistance to outstanding undergraduate students enrolled in the College of the Liberal Arts, and who are majoring or are planning to major in Spanish. Award amounts will range from $1000-$1,500 per student.

College of the Liberal Arts

  • Liberal Arts Enrichment Funds Application: If you are a Liberal Arts student, you can apply to the Liberal Arts Enrichment Funds.

Global Programs Study Abroad

  • You can also apply to the University Office of Global Programs (410 Boucke). Eligibility is based on academic excellence and/or financial need. More information about the scholarships available through the University Office of Global Programs, and other scholarships, please review the Easy Guide to Study Abroad Scholarships.

Global ‘All In’ scholarship

  • This scholarship is intended for outstanding students who may not traditionally include an education abroad program in their undergraduate career.

Diversity Grant-in-Aid

  • This grant is included within the application.

Office of Student Aid (314 Shields)


Schreyer Honors College:

NOTE: Scholarship applications for UOGP scholarships are due at the SAME TIME as program applications. Scholarships through the Spanish department have different deadlines. For more information about the scholarships available, review the Easy Guide to Study Abroad Scholarships. If you have further questions about program costs or scholarships, please meet with our Education Abroad adviser!