

All courses are 3 credits and will meet Monday-Friday from 9:00am to 2:30pm.

Choose three of the following courses:

Note: SPAN 215 and SPAN 297 are currently the same course, so SPAN 297 will count as SPAN 215 credit.

Tentative Schedules (Based on courses previously completed)

Course Completed: SPAN 003
Course Schedule: SPAN 100, SPAN 200, SPAN 297

Course Completed: SPAN 100
Course Schedule: SPAN 200, SPAN 215/253W, SPAN 297

Course Completed: SPAN 200
Course Schedule: SPAN 215/253W, SPAN 397, SPAN 410

Course Completed: SPAN 215/253W
Course Schedule: SPAN 397, SPAN 410, SPAN 497