SIP Graduate Student Organization
The purpose of the SIPGSO is to allow graduate students in the department to discuss issues that affect them as graduate students, teaching assistants, and future professionals in academia.
SIPGSO plays an important role in graduate student life within the department. Representatives serve on the department’s Graduate Committee, Activities Committee, International Committee, and they are also counted as a voting member in department meetings. In these ways, the graduate students have a voice in the matters which affect them most.
All graduate students in the department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese are members of SIPGSO, and are eligible to hold office in the organization. Meetings are held several times throughout the semester. All graduate students are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Click this link to view the SIPSGO constitution.
Graduate Student and Professional Conferences
Graduate students are encouraged to present their research at graduate student and professional conferences in the United States and abroad. Funding is available for graduate students for travel to and from these conferences. Use the Travel Request Form to apply for travel funding.
Graduate Student Resources
There are several resources available to graduate students through The Graduate School such as thesis information, alumni society, volunteer services, graduate council, graduate diversity, equity programs, and much more.
In addition, the department has multiple resources for research, teaching, and writing tools.
Graduate Student Handbooks and MA Reading List
Graduate Student Handbooks for Literature and Linguistics. The MA Reading List in literature.