William R. Blue taught courses on Spanish Early Modern Literature at the graduate level along with a wide range of undergraduate courses in Spanish. Before coming to Penn State in 2001, he was Professor of Spanish at the University of Kansas where he also served as Chair of the Department.
He has published three books: The Development of Imagery in Calderon’s Comedias, Comedia: Art and History, and Spanish Comedy and Historical Contexts in the 1620s. He has published numerous articles on a diverse range of topics. He serves on the Editorial Board of the Bulletin of the Comediantes and on the Board of Directors for the Association of Hispanic Classical Theater. With Professor James A. Parr he co-edited a special volume of the Comparative Literature Studies, Don Quijote and 400 Years of World Literature.
He is currently working on article-length studies on the interface between magic and science as well as on travel in the comedia and the relations between certain plays and their political contexts.