
Romi Román

Romi Román
Linguistics Practice Talks Coordinator (SIPSGO)

47 Burrowes, Cubicle 1

Office Hours: M 1:00 - 2:00 (Office), T 12:00 - 1:00 (Office)



BA, Spanish and linguistics minor, The College of New Jersey

Research Interests:

Spanish as a heritage language in the US, sociolinguistic acquisition and variation, bilingualism.


I am a PhD student in the Hispanic Linguistics program and NSF-NRT Graduate Research Traineeship fellow. My current research interests include Caribbean Spanish, bilingualism, child language and cognition, language acquisition and acquisition of variation. I use corpus, behavioral and experimental data to explore the interaction between child language development and the cognitive mechanisms at play. In my free time, I enjoy learning about plants, cooking and working out.


  • ella // she-her // ela