Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics
246 Burrowes
Curriculum Vitae:

PhD, Dual Title in Spanish Linguistics and Language Science, The Pennsylvania State University
MA, Spanish Linguistics, The Pennsylvania State University
MA, Foreign Language Teaching, the University of Navarra
Research Interests:
Second language acquisition, usage-based approaches, desirable difficulties in learning, multiword units, eye-tracking, brain event-related potentials (ERPs)
My research investigates how adults process and learn a new language with limited input, as well as how they generalize their knowledge to novel contexts. I also explore how individual-based cognitive differences account for diversity among learners. Much of my work focuses on the bilingual lexicon, and particularly on multi-word units that are specific to a second language. My students and I approach these questions by using various methods in the CoALA lab (Cognition of Adult Language Acquisition), such as electrophysiology (ERPs), eye-tracking and corpus data.
Selected publications:
- Pulido, Manuel F. (2024). Optimizing the input for learning of L2-specific constructions: The roles of Zipfian and balanced input, explicit rules and working memory. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 46(2), 379-403.
- Pulido, Manuel F. (2023). Generalizing knowledge of L2 collocations: The influence of within-language and cross-language similarity on acceptability and ERPs. Language Learning, 73(2), 578-612. Accepted pdf
- Pulido, Manuel F. & López-Beltrán, Priscila (2023). When native speakers are not “native-like”: Chunking ability predicts (lack of) sensitivity to gender agreement during online processing. Cognitive Science, 47(10), e13366.
- Pulido, Manuel F. & Kathy Conklin (2023). Realizing new potential in vocabulary studies: Co-registration of eye movements and brain potentials.Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 2(3), 100077.
- Pulido, Manuel F. (2022) Why are multiword units hard to acquire for late L2 learners? Insights from cognitive science on adult learning, processing and retrieval. Linguistics Vanguard, 8(1), 237-247.
- Pulido, Manuel F. (2021) Native language inhibition predicts more successful second language learning: Evidence of two ERP pathways during learning. Neuropsychologia. Access pdf
- Pulido, Manuel F. (2021). Remapping variable subject position in Spanish intransitives: A proposal for functionally defined categories in motion verbs.Spanish in Context, 18.2. Accepted pdf
- Pulido, Manuel F. & Dussias, Paola E. (2020). Desirable difficulties while learning collocations in a second language: Conditions that induce L1 interference improve learning. Bilingualism: Language & Cognition, 23(3), 652-667.
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