
Lauren Halberstadt

Lauren Halberstadt
Associate Teaching Professor of Spanish
Director of Engaged Scholarship

146 Burrowes

Lauren  Halberstadt Profile Image


PhD, Spanish and Language Science, The Pennsylvania State University


I am an Associate Teaching Professor focused on teaching a variety of courses in Spanish and linguistics. I earned my dual-title Ph.D. in Spanish and Language Science from Penn State University. My research takes an interdisciplinary approach, investigating topics on bilingualism, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and languages in contact. I received an M.A. in Spanish Linguistics and three B.A. degrees in Spanish, Italian, and Global and International Studies. In addition to my academic experience, I have taken on administrative responsibilities, such as welcoming international students to Penn State, taking students abroad, and connecting with alumni. Whether at home or abroad, I am driven to work toward increasing global experiences and intercultural competency in the Penn State community.