From a culturally-diverse background, Anna has fondly liked to identify herself as “Grexicana”: she is half-Greek and half-Mexican, having grown up in the Spanish-English bilingual community of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Anna is a Ph.D. candidate whose research interests include: 19th/20th century Peninsular literature, the Spanish modernist generation, avant-garde movements, film studies, and ancient Greek philosophy. A recent recipient of the Superior Teaching and Research Award in the College of the Liberal Arts, Anna condutced archival research in the summer of 2016 at the University of Santiago de Compostela. This research was in support of her ongoing project on Hegelian historical consciousness in the work of Spanish modernist author, Ramón del Valle-Inclán; part of her project was presented at the 2016 University of Kentucky’s Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference. She has also presented her work at the 2016 Carolina Conference for Romance Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapell Hill. Anna is an active member of the E-Board for the Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese Graduate Student Organization (the SIPGSO) and has taught intermediate and advanced Spanish language courses in the Spanish Basic Language Program (SBLP) at Penn State. She is currently the SBLP Content Supervisor of Spanish 3.