
Sara Arribas Colmenar

Sara Arribas Colmenar
Literature Representative (SIPSGO)

46 Burrowes

Curriculum Vitae:

Arribas Headshot


MA, Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language, Carlos III University of Madrid
MA, Classical Philology, Complutense and Autonoma University of Madrid
BA, Classical Philology, Complutense University
Certificate in Digital Humanities, Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES)
Elemental Degree in Spanish Dance, Asociación de Profesores de Danza Española (A.P.D.E)

Research Interests:

20th-century Spanish dance and theater, modernism, social network analysis and digital humanity.


Sara Arribas Colmenar is a Ph.D. candidate in Spanish and Visual Studies at Penn State University, specializing in early 20th-century Spanish literature, dance, and performance. Her interdisciplinary research explores the intersections between literature, performance, and visual culture, with a focus on gender studies, social network analysis, and archival approaches. Sara’s dissertation, “Constelaciones de Artistas: Estudio de los Espacios de Creación Colaborativa y Análisis de Redes en Espectáculos y Circuitos Intelectuales Españoles (1909-1936),” explores the intricate networks of writers, choreographers, composers, and visual artists in early 20th-century Spain. By using social network analysis and digital humanities tools, she maps collaborative spaces such as the literary gatherings at Café Pombo, the Teatro del Arte theater company, the Residencia de Señoritas, the Ballets Espagnols dance company, and the Concurso del Cante Jondo (1922). Her research reveals how these interdisciplinary collaborations fostered artistic innovation and redefined women’s roles in the arts. Sara’s work uncovers how these intellectual and creative circles shaped Spain’s cultural landscape, emphasizing the significance of cross-disciplinary influences in literature, dance, and performance during this transformative period.

Holding a BA in Classical Philology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Sara also completed a Master’s in Classics and a Master’s in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She is currently pursuing a certification in Digital Humanities to further expand her expertise in this growing field. Moreover, she served as a Graduate Research Assistant of Digital Liberal Arts at the Digital Pedagogies and Initiatives Office, where she honed her skills in digital methodologies. Her digital work includes developing projects related to social network analysis, digital editions, and interactive timelines. During her time as a Visiting Scholar at the Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Madrid, she developed the digital project Bailando la literatura, an interactive timeline that explores the connections between literature, dance, and performance in early 20th-century Spain. In addition, she was a Member of the Seminario Complutense de investigación en Historia y Teoría de la danza thanks to her Elemental Degree in Spanish Dance recognized by A.P.D.E (Asociación de Profesores de Danza Española).

Beyond her research experience, Sara is deeply committed to innovative and inclusive teaching. She has taught a wide range of Spanish language courses at Penn State University, including introductory and intermediate levels (SPAN 001 and SPAN 003), as well as more advanced courses such as Advanced Grammar and Composition through short films (SPAN 200). In each of these courses, Sara employs a student-centered approach, designing her lessons to actively engage students and encourage participation. By integrating digital tools such as Google Jamboard, StoryMapJS, and Canva, she enhances the learning experience, making it interactive and accessible for all proficiency levels.


  • Accepted “Constelaciones de artistas: análisis y teoría de redes aplicado a la danza y el teatro español (1914-1934)” La Revista de Humanidades Digitales (RHD), 2024.
  • “La huella de Luis de Cahusac en el Tratado de Recreación instructiva sobre la danza (1793)” La Investigación en Danza: MadridOnline 2020, Ediciones Mahali, 2020, pp. 39-43.
  • 2019 (Translation English-Spanish) Matos-Moreno, Amilcar, et al. “La migración es la fuerza motora del envejecimiento acelerado en Puerto Rico: Reporte Breve.” SocArXiv, July 19, 2024. Web,
  • “Graham McFee (2018). Dance and the Philosophy of Action: A Framework for the Aesthetics of Dance. Binsted, Hampshire: Dance Books” in the Acotaciones revista de investigación y creación teatral.  Madrid- 20 Dec. 2019
  • “La escuela bolera” and “ La Modern Dance estadounidense” of the activity Historia(s) en danza. Una conferencia bailada entre los siglos XIX y XXI  in the framework of the 19th Science Week at the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC Madrid- Nov. 2019

Conference Presentations:

  • 2024 “Letras en danza: Redescubriendo las redes culturales de la España de principio de Siglo XX” at Remembered & Forgotten, Boston University’s Department of Romance Studies Graduate Student Conference. April 13, 2024
  • 2024 “Bailando por la corona: el uso político de la danza de Ana Bolena en La cisma de Inglaterraat NeMLA’s 55th Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. March 7-10, 2024
  • 2024 “Baile de identidades: el uso de la danza como caracterización en La Flor de mi Secreto” at NeMLA’s 55th Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. March 7-10, 2024.
  • 2023 “Bailando con el franquismo y el deseo de fuga: la Cenicienta invertida en Nada de Carmen Laforet” At KFLC, The Languages, Literatures and Cultures Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA. April 20th-22nd, 2023.
  • 2023 “Mujer varonil on Stage: The Masculinization as a Defense Mechanism in Lope de Vega’s Comedies” At NeMLA’s 54th Annual Convention, University at Buffalo, USA. March 23 -26th, 2023.
  • La huella de Louis de Cahusac en el Tratado de recreación instructiva sobre la danza (1793) at the VI Congreso Nacional y III Internacional La Investigación en Danza, organized by the Asociación Española D más I: Danza e Investigación in collaboration with Instituto de Historia of the CSIC (Centro superior de investigaciones cientificicas) and the Conservatorio Superior de Danza María de Avila. Online- Nov. 2020
  • La etimología y terminología en el Tratado de recreación instructiva sobre la danza (1793) at the VIII Ganimedes National Congress. Santiago de Compostela- 6 March 2020
  • Bailando con la morar: la identidad corporal en la Antigua Grecia on the II Internacional Congres of Dance Philosophy organized by the UNED and the Theaters Canal. Madrid- 7  Jun. 2019
  • El origen mítico de la danza: Estudio de las fuentes griegas en Discursos sobre el arte del dançado de Juan de Esquivel Navarro at the VII Ganimedes National Congress. Barcelona- 15 Marz. 2019

Digital Projects:

  • 2022-Present . Dancing with Literature: The Social Networks of Shows and Intellectual Circuits in Spain (1911-1933). Developed thanks to Digital Liberal Arts Research Initiative and Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese at Penn State University. Project details here.
  • Summer 2024 Timelime Bailando la literatura: influencia de los literatos en la danza, música y  teatro en la España de la primera mitad del siglo XX. Developed thanks to Digital Liberal Arts Research Initiative and Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese at Penn State University. Review of project here.
  • Summer 2024  Collaboration at the Digital Edition Las cartas de Busa carried out by the HD LAB of the IIBICRIT at CONICET, Argentina. Review of project here.