Ph.D., Italian Studies, The University of Pennsylvania
Giulio earned a Ph.D. in Italian Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. Before coming to Penn State, Giulio was Visiting Assistant Professor at Bryn Mawr College in the Department of Transnational Italian Studies, where he has taught courses on Italian language and literature and coordinated the language program.
Giulio’s main academic interest focuses on Dante – especially on Dante’s reception in the 20th and 21st centuries across several media – adaptation studies and literary theory. His current book project, titled “A militant Dante: sociopolitical uses of the Sommo Poeta in post-1968 Italy” investigates how Dante and his authority as national poet were used and appropriated after the 1968 protests, during one of the most heated and politically active periods of recent Italian history.
He has also focused on contemporary Italian women writers, in particular Goliarda Sapienza, Claudia Durastanti and Elena Ferrante. Giulio was a Research Fellow at Yale University in 2022-2023 and is currently co-editor of the peer-reviewed journal “Bibliotheca Dantesca.”
Before coming to the United States, Giulio obtained his bachelor’s degree at the University of Bologna (2015) and his master’s degree at the Università della Svizzera italiana (2017), both times working on Dante and the material circulation of his works in the 14th century.
Selected Publications:
Articles in Peer- Reviewed Journals
- Genovese, Giulio. “Dante Underground: Queer Militancy and the Sommo Poeta (1972- 1982) in Dante Studies: Vol. 142, 2024, 67-83.
- Genovese, Giulio. “Leonardo Sciascia and Elio Petri’s Todo Modo: Intersemiotic uses of Dante during the anni di piombo” in Immagine. Note di storia del cinema: Vol. 24, 2024, 45-62.
- Genovese, Giulio. “La Commedia in giallo: tre esempi di riscritture dantesche” in Perspectives médiévales n. 44, 2023 [URL: http://journals.openedition.org/peme/49359]
Chapters in Books
- Genovese, Giulio. “Convergence culture: Marco Martinelli and Ermanna Montanari’s staging of Dante” in La mondializzazione di Dante I: Europa (Ravenna: Angelo Longo Editore, 2022), 179- 180).
- Genovese, Giulio. “Hidden authoriality in Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels” in Ferrante Unframed. Authorship, Reception and Feminist Praxis in the Works of Elena Ferrante (Florence: Società editrice Fiorentina, 2021), 89-100.
Other publications
- Genovese, Giulio. “Staging Dante Today: A Three-Day Residency Of Teatro Delle Albe At The University Of Pennsylvania,” Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies: Vol. 2 , 2019, 161-167.
- Genovese, Giulio. “La vita bugiarda degli adulti / The Lying Life of Adults. Created by Edoardo De Angelis. Fandango. One Season, Six Episodes, 2023”, gender/sexuality/Italy 10, I-II (2023-2024), 210-212.
- Genovese, Giulio. “Alberto Casadei. ‘Dante. Storia avventurosa della Divina Commedia dalla selva oscura alla realtà aumentata.’ Milan: il Saggiatore, 2020,” Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies: Vol. 3, 2020, 186-188.
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